Tag: diversity

NAGC Webinar on Micro-Credentials Program

The National Association for Gifted Children is offering New Mexico a free webinar this coming Monday, July 9, 2018. The webinar will be focused on NAGC’s new Micro-Credentials Program and the Giftedness Knows No Boundaries campaign, an amazing professional development opportunity for educators working with students who are gifted.

This webinar is being offered for free. Future webinars will be offered only to members of the New Mexico Association for the Gifted. Interested in joining NMAG? Click here: http://www.nmgifted.org/membership

The webinar will be held Monday, July 9, 2018 @ 9:00 AM.
Conference URL: http://uberconference.com/nagc5
Dial-in number: 202-847-5788
No PIN required
International Access Numbers: https://www.uberconference.com/international

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Empowering Diverse Voices Betters Our World

I’m so pleased the Santa Fe New Mexican published “Reaching Out to Help Diverse Voices Betters Our World” in their My View section on Saturday, April 28! Melissa Segura’s story is an inspiring one. Thanks to Daniel Chacón at the SF New Mexican for the feature article on her award-winning journalism. Please share widely to help build support for initiatives to help others grow to impact the world in positive ways.

Find out more about the George Polk Awards:

Here’s the opinion article published recently in The New Mexican:

Daniel J. Chacón’s article on award-winning journalist and Santa Fe native, Melissa Segura, resonated with me deeply (“S.F. native honored by prestigious Polk Awards,” Feb. 22).

Her story is that of a Santa Fe teen equipped with acute analytical ability, proclivity for research and writing, tenacity, vision, and reverence for the ideals of truth and justice, who grew up taking every opportunity to hone her journalism skills. She then discerned what would be the perfect investigative story for a diversity fellowship application, applied and won the fellowship, and followed through with research and reporting that was recognized for its quality, social impact, insightfulness and deft handling of nuanced, politically delicate issues. For Segura, the honor of the prestigious Polk award paled in comparison to the real reward of seeing the innocent freed from death row as a result of her work. Continue reading

Anti-discrimination Letter

At our last board meeting we discussed the issue of convening the 2017 national convention in North Carolina, which has legislated a ban on policies of anti-discrimination against diverse sexual orientation and identity that we in our organization support.

Anti-discrimination laws protect persons of diverse sexual orientation and identity.

In consideration of this conflict, NMAG’s board advises the National Association of Gifted Children to relocate the 64th National Convention. NMAG Secretary Kathrine Kelton wrote this letter from NMAG to Dr. George Betts, President of NAGC. Please read it and join us in this request with a comment, either here on nmgifted.org, or on linked social media.

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