Photo of NAGC President-Elect, Jonathan Plucker

NAGC President-elect, Jonathan Plucker

As a guest on this radio conversation podcast by Joshua Johnson of WAMU in Washington, DC distributed by NPR, NAGC’s President-Elect, Jonathan Plucker,  represents a distinct new voice in the field.

Have a listen and tell me if you hear it as counterpoint, harmony, or even as dissonance in this conversation about giftedness in America.

From Jonathan Plucker’s bio on the NAGC website:

His work defining and studying the excellence gap is part of a larger effort to re-orient the thinking of policymakers and educators toward how to best promote success and high achievement for all children.

Screen shot from NPR's A1 Rated PG Profoundly Gifted Podcast

Click the image to listen to this broadcast online.